11 October, 2024
9:30-11:001st session. Acute pain 
 CHAIRS – Winfried Meissner (D), Aleksejs Miščuks (LV)
9:30-9:55Winfried Meissner (DE) – Acute pain management – state of the art 2024
9:55-10:10Iveta Golubovska (LV) – Results of the PAIN OUT project in Latvia
10:10-10:30Aleksejs Miščuks (LV) – Diagnostic tools in diagnostics of acute pain
11:00-11:10Free paper – Evija Švalkovska (LV) TAP Block after laparotomy in ICU
11:20-11:30Coffee break
11:30-13:302nd session. Headache
 CHAIRS – Messoud Ashina, Guntis Karelis (LV) 
11:30-11:55Zaza Katsarava (DE) – Practical training: how to diagnose primary headaches. 
11:55-12:20Aydin Gozalov (DK) – Management of migraine in 10 steps. 
12:20-12:45Messoud Ashina (DK) – Emerging Targets in Migraine Therapy. 
12:45-13:00Saulius Andruškevičius (LT) – Ahead of the pain: biosensors in migraine attack prediction. 
13:00-13:15Liga Mekša (LV) – Epidemiology of migraine. 
 1 TBA
15:00-16:303rd session. Neuromodulation: 
 CHAIRS – Rokas Tamosauskas (UK), Iveta Golubovska (LV)
15:00-15:25Pedram Tabatabaei (SE) – Burst DR stimulation and DRG stimulation: Mechanism of action and Indications
15:25-15:50Rokas Tamosauskas (UK) – To implant or not to implant: the role of Spinal Cord Stimulation in modern pain medicine
15:50-16:15Basels Jakubs Vahbe (LV) – Vagus nerve stimulation experience in Latvia
16:30-18:004th session. Chronic localized and diffuse pain
 CHAIRS – Magdalena Kocot-Kępska (PL), Irina Evansa (LV)
16:30-16:55Magdalena Kocot- Kępska (PL) – Are we expecting new analgesics?
16:55-17:15Egija Lapiņa (LV) – Multidisciplinary approaches to Improving Patient Experience in Chronic Pain treatment
17:15-17:40Vladimir Romanenko (UA) – “Pain the guts”: How microbiota regulates pain
17:40-18:00Larisa Ēriksone (LV) – Three technologies used in pain therapy
18:00-18:20Edgars Vasilevskis (LV) – Pain mechanisms in Chinese medicine. What is  common with western way? 
20:00Social Evening (with invitations only)
12 October, 2024
10:00-11:301st session. Chronic localized and diffuse pain
 CHAIRS – Ināra Logina (LV), Edgars Vasiļevskis (LV) 
10:00-10:20Skļarevičs (LV) – Patogenesis of shoulder impigement and how to help.
10:20-10:40Sergei Gordienko MD – Aerobic exercise training to improve treatment outcomes in adult patients with fibromyalgia. Theory and our experience.
10:40-11:00Arunas Sciupokas (LT) – Education in Pain Medicine: Where we are going to? 
11:30-12:00Coffee break
12:00-14:002nd session. Invasive pain management
 CHAIRS – Arun Bhaskar, Olaf Rohof
12:00-12:25Olaf Rohof (NL) – The Potential of PRF-treatment in Immune Modulation and Pain Management: Bridging the Gap between Engineering and Clinical Practice.
12:25-12:50Arun Bhaskar (UK) – Sacroiliac joint – a not so uncommon cause for low back pain? 
12:50-13:15Nadiya Segin (UA) – Invasive treatment of phantom pain. 
13:15-13:30Rihards Starinskis (LV) – Epidural steroid injection- are they still as relevant? 
13:30-13:50Darius Dicevičius (LT) – Autologous platelet rich plasma ultrasound guided epidural injections: case series.